Just when I thought my time in Cairns was complete I was asked to facilitate another Munay-Ki workshop. And, in a short space of time having agreed to the proposal I found myself with another six dedicated students ready to take the next step along the path of their respective spiritual journey. My time was flexible as was the weather patterns thus we were able to weave our workshop within the natural landscapes; parks and beaches on the outskirts of the city retreating to Alexi’s veranda at times of rain.
Perched on a hillside on the edge of a National Park behind Smithfield Alexia’s space proved the perfect venue, with mother earth the ultimate partner, for a magical journey with the Munay-Ki. Submerged in the tropical rainforest we were blessed with incredible interaction from the surrounding birdlife and reptiles, as well as Alexi’s interesting and ingenious neighbours that came and went from the upstairs section of the house she rented.

On my first morning at Alexia’s I met Kelli Craig, originally from Northland, New Zealand who for the past +/-20 yrs on assignment (her own) in Queensland Far North. Working with Aboriginal communities through circus (circle us) Kelli has developed the legacy of Blackrobats.
"Circus arts teach kids confidence through physical co-ordination and fitness alongside the value of co-operation and can help improve the health and education of the whole community."
Blackrobats aims to expand the horizons of the young people from the indigenous communities in Far North Queensland. Through workshops and performance opportunities, the young people are encouraged to develop their skills and experiences.
For anyone who may be interested in learning more about or supporting Blackrobats Kelli may be contacted through the following links;
Website: www.northerncircus.com
Meanwhile our weekends spent in workshop felt more like being on a goddess retreat than anything relating to work. And as with all my workshops I learn from teaching, my initiates are very much my teachers and I love the challenge of being absolutely present all the time so that I am able to source the correct words or practical exercises to help people better understand our multi-dimensional reality. As through realising this, combined with learning where our energy comes from how we hold it and where we expend it, we are better able to access our unlimited power and potential taking full responsibility of what we are creating in our lives.

And once the self-healing tools and techniques had been mastered and the theory understood there was no better way to end each day than through the ritual of sharing the Rites and the honouring of these unique gifts through Fire Ceremony.

"If you want to learn something, read about it.
If you want to understand something, write about it.
If you want to master something, teach it."
Yogi Bhaja

I am currently in Queensland, Australia however am happy to travel to anywhere in the world to facilitate both Munay-Ki (www.munay-ki.org) and T5T: The Five Tibetan Rites, Core Stability and Energy Breathing (www.T5T.com Workshops) in addition to offering my services as a live-in Holistic Life Coach and/or Private Healing Sessions. For further information please contact me by email; earthwalk.project@gmail.com.
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