A few months later I found myself on a recognisance journey to the Island of Socotra in the Sea of Aden where I was soon to be leading a group of adventurous tourists. It was at the beginning of my trek to Scand that I met a Yemeni Meteorologist and Mohammed, his guide. As we set out on our hike to the highest point of this extraordinary island which just so happens to be the meeting place of three tectonic plates we struck up a rather interesting conversation . . . Mohammed had recently escorted a group of European scientists in and around the island and in the process they had discovered a underground system of waterways with an ancient boat still moored beneath the land mass. According to Mohammed this the scientist had devised is somehow related to three ancient civilisation that supposedly emerged from this land as well as the crystal skulls . . .
Some months later a friend and collegue suggested that I should perhaps condsider watching the Indian Jones movie Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. However not one to be particularly interested in TV, nor much of a movie goer in the last couple years I filed the suggestion for later reference. So as you can imagine when I checked in for a 2 hr appointment with my dentist for a root canal last March I had to laugh when his assistant offered me the opportunity to watch a movie and out of a selection of no more than 6 DVD’s there was Kingdom of the Crystal Skull awaiting my attention!
My next foray for more first-hand information on the subject was in NZ and at the time connected me with Gretta. Coincidently in the space of one telephone conversation this became an invitation to join an international group who had gathered for a sacred journey to NZ part of which was to activate a crystal beneath Te Miringa Te Kakara, Temple of the Four Winds near Benneydale in the Central North Island of New Zealand. Later I was also called to join a group who had been called to gather at a site in Jerusalem (NZ) on the Wanganui River which as far as I am aware may have been the first Earthwalk Site . . . and this is where I met Satori, the stone skull which Gretta is the current custodian of.
It seemed as though the crystal skull connection was beginning to make itself known and after our recent experience with Lia channelling ‘Sounds of Sirius’ at my introductory w/shop I was quite looking forward to meeting her travelling companions. We made a plan to meet up for supper with the intention of sharing a ceremony for the healing of our Earth’s waters beforehand. Well, that may have been our intention however as I was becoming more familiar I was learning that what we might think may happen in ceremony is often quite irrelevant to what actually takes place if we allow . . . I was learning not to have any expectations but rather prepare the sacred space, show up and be present and allow space in time for magic to happen.
And magic indeed happened, Lia assembled her masculine and feminine travelling companions in the centre of a circle of what she explained were her rainbow 12 and of course I had to bring along my token rose quartz miniature that had been a gift from Gretta to accompany our ceremony. Lia’s channelling was not as intense as it had been during our workshop but rather more delicate and refined to which my energy body responded like a finely tuned receptor . . .And so it happened that the Earthwalk Project once again took the floor and I could feel my energy body downloading an enormous amount of information from Jomcata Mayab her masculine Skull that had shared space with one of the original thirteen skulls during a recent journey Lia had taken to Mexico.
We shared a very pleasant evening together and I loved listening and learning from Lia’s personal experiences of what it was like to walk in the world as a skull carrier. Hence I was delighted that Lia felt called to organise another ceremony with a few of her like minded and very gifted friends in Cairns the following week . . .
And so it was . . . Lia, Karen, Karen T, I and Jill (via skype in the US) came together in ceremony with the crystal skulls . . . and once again the theme of the ceremony was Earthwalk! . . . Incredible energy, incredible seeing, incredible women and thanks to the gifts of these amazing individuals the outline of my Australian walkabout was revealed. Although Toby had kindly provided what I imagine may be the grand finale to the Australian Adventure I now had a rough idea of where my walkabout may take me in preparation for the event . . .
Left to Right; Me, Lia, KarenT and Karen
And here is a summary from Jill
20 July 2010
Hi leanne,
Thank your for presences yesterday, as when you start to speak, I want to sing.... it was powerful for me in many ways....
I will try to put together what I can remember.... it started to take form on the northern coast of Australia... here it seem important to connect both with a point of the shore and a cliff line along the same shore... as far as names... I really cannot say... other then I can see that it is on the North West coast....
then I see a point in land and just to the west of this area... here is where I see four women... one Asian... I do not know if it a physical meeting or a etheric meeting... but she is important to your journey...
then I see a soft area... again on the shore... more south west.. there is a lot of sand dunes.. again.. there are rock I see of the shore.. they are soft in appearance..
there is a masculine guide present here... not indigenous... but of the land...
I then see a point inland... more mountainous here I see a strong indigenous presence... a song line....
then it is vague...
I did see just south of Brisbane a point off the coast again.. a women stand waiting to greet you.. knowledge to pass...
I did see a point just north of cairns... more forest again the ocean is visible... yet I see more of a cave.. it is vague here....
I do see a point near cook town....
and then this is all that I received....
And so it seems my little Ozzie walkabout is going to circumambulate this Ancient Land . . . which according to a recent conversation with Kevin will take on a journey in the same anticlockwise spiral as the wind blows stripping much of the land of its potential fertility . . . hmm . . . interesting . . .
I only wish I had more time to share with my new friends/family yet trust that that will all come in good time . . . patience!
For those who are curious to learn more about the crystal skull you may find a good place to begin is www.crystalinks.com/crystalskulls
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